Diamond Symmetry
Symmetry refers to how precisely the various
facets of a diamond align and intersect. This can include extra or misshapen facets, off center
culets and
tables, and wavy
A diamond with poor symmetry may misdirect light that travels into the diamond, sending it off at slightly wrong angles,
and thereby reducing the diamond's
brilliance. Often, a diamond cutter will purposefully allow a minor reduction in symmetry as a way of preventing
a defect present in the rough stone from being retained as part of the finished diamond.
Each Lumera Diamond displays the symmetry grade as determined by the
GIA, using the following scale:
For diamonds with a symmetry grade of Excellent to Good, symmetry should not be used as a primary factor in choosing
a diamond, since each of these grades is possible in diamonds of exceptional appearance.
Symmetry is more important in diamonds of VVS2 Clarity and higher, since the very subtle defects produced by Fair or
Poor symmetry (which can resemble
pinpoint inclusions) would compromise the diamond's otherwise flawless appearance.
Despite its modest impact on appearance, symmetry has a significant impact on price; a diamond with Excellent Symmetry
Polish may be priced 10%-15% higher than a diamond with Good Symmetry and Polish. This premium has more to do
with consumer's perceived value of "excellent" grades, than the actual effect on a diamond's appearance.
Because diamonds with Poor symmetry have defects visible to the naked eye, these diamonds should be avoided in all
cases. For this reason, Lumera does not carry diamonds with a symmetry grade of Poor.
A diamond should not be chosen or rejected based solely on symmetry. Because the overall Cut grade already incorporates
symmetry, it should be used as the primary determinant when choosing a diamond. When comparing two diamonds of equal
Cut grade, symmetry (and polish) can then be used as a further refinement or tie breaker.
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